7 Life Changing Prayers For Your Church

Today at 12Stone Church we are on Day 17 of 21 Days of prayer together as we read through Jim Maxim’s book, 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer – The Power of Agreement.

It’s an incredibly powerful movement when an entire congregation reads the same devotional and then prays the same prayer, together in agreement, asking for God’s favor and a breakthrough for life change. (The link to the online prayers is available in the book.)

Prayer connects us to the heart, mind, and power of God.

Prayer allows us a deeper understanding of the grace, truth, and purpose of God.

The longer I lead, the more I realize I’m just beginning to understand the depth, privilege, and significance of prayer. It is personal, powerful, and utterly life-changing. Yes, we can know all that intellectually, but to continue to learn that at a personal and experiential level helps us engage on the front lines of God’s purpose and plan.

This 21-day prayer experience got me thinking about more and specific prayers that would invite an incredible spiritual impact if the church leaders prayed them together. This could be done by the church board, staff, or maybe small group leaders.

All prayers are meaningful. All prayers count. All prayers matter to God. But it seems like there may be certain prayers that if prayed together, would move the heart of God.

Here’s a set of prayers I’ve written, and I hope they will be encouraging to you and the leaders of your church. Be sure to pass this post on to them!

First, a quick shout out – I just read a great post by Brandon A. Cox, with his set of “Breakthrough Prayers.” The more prayers, the better! You can see it here.

7 Life Changing Prayers:

1) A prayer for reconciliation

Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace, kindness, and mercy. We know that the foundation of reconciliation begins between you and each of us individually. But you have also called us to pursue reconciliation whenever we experience conflict or division with each other.

Forgive us Father for the division we create in our churches.

Help us to work through unresolved conflict and extend grace and kindness to one another.

We ask that the unity of the Spirit would prevail so that we could live in such a way that brings glory to your name and bears fruit in the body of Christ.

2) A prayer for compassion

Jesus, we thank you for the compassion that you so lavishly and continually pour out upon us. Your Word makes it clear that you care deeply for those who are like sheep without a shepherd.

Your love is great for those in physical and financial need, for those who suffer, for the fatherless, for those who need healing, and so many more.

We pray Jesus that your spirit would prompt us to live out that same kind of compassion. May we do for one what we’d like to do for many. We pray that we would continue to grow as a compassionate, caring and loving church, starting with each of us as leaders.

3) A prayer for wisdom

God, thank you for the promise of your wisdom. Our thoughts, ideas, and creativity have little to no eternal value without you.

We pray for the courage to act upon that wisdom. May it help us as leaders in making good decisions.

Grant us the wisdom to more fully understand your will and purpose for the church, in the specific circumstances in which we serve. We seek your wisdom and guidance to lead the church in a way that brings glory and honor to you.

4) A prayer for redemption

Jesus, thank you for the price you paid on the cross that makes a way for the forgiveness of our sin. Your love and grace are overwhelming and extravagant.

We pray that our passion for those who are far from you would be contagious.  We ask that our hearts would be broken for the lost like yours.

We desire to see a flood of decisions to follow you, and baptism stories that move the hearts of many.

5) A prayer for maturity

Heavenly Father, in the same breath that we ask for your favor in redemption, we know that it’s your desire for every believer to mature in their faith. Thank you that you provide your Word, the Holy Spirit and the Church to help that take place.

The pull of the world is strong, temptation is ever present, and the spiritual battle is real. Yet we know that you are with us and provide a way for us to grow, mature and live a life that is pleasing to you.

We especially pray that we may serve our children and students in such a way that our growing faith inspires them to follow in the same footsteps.

6) A prayer for generosity

God, we could never out give you, but we want to give like you — generously. Thank you for all the good and perfect gifts you provide for us, and for the opportunities to advance the gospel.

We pray that our church would be generous with their time, finances, talents and abilities. We pray that we would be generous with kindness, patience, and encouragement.

We desire to be a church who serves others well. We desire to serve because it’s a privilege to be part of your Kingdom work and because we care about others. We pray that a spirit of generosity would prevail both inside the church, and outside into the community.

7) A prayer for transformation.

Jesus, this is our big-picture prayer, and we are convinced that it aligns with your heart. We pray for true transformation in the lives of the people we serve. May there be tremendous life change!

We are asking for marriages to be restored, people to be freed from addictions, and healing to take place in broken hearts. We pray for teens to rise into leadership in their schools, for our business leaders to speak boldly for you, and that each of us would see ourselves as an ambassador of your transforming power.

May we carry your name well Jesus and see many lives changed for the good.