Do you think of yourself as an inspiring leader?
Some leaders are not as inspiring as they could be, but that’s due more to a lack of intentionality rather than lack of talent or the right qualities.
It’s easy to think of inspiration in a narrow and limited way. The most common is the example of a communicator who can inspire a large crowd from the stage. That’s a great ability, but when it comes to good leadership there is far more inspiration that happens off the stage than on it.
Many opportunities to inspire are one to one and in smaller groups. And to be sure, you inspire others by the life you live. Who you are and how you treat people demonstrate your character and help you lead in a way that can inspire others!

All leaders must inspire.
Inspiration is essential to move people to action.
Inspire to what? To the vision of the church, and ultimately to the life God wants us to live.
Inspiration is not limited to the lead pastor or only the top leaders in the church. Inspiration is not confined to a particular personality type. If you lead even in the most modest of roles, first remember that what you do matters, and second, you must inspire those you lead.
It starts with you. An uninspired leader cannot inspire others. Before you can inspire others, as the leader, you must be internally inspired yourself. It is your responsibility to show up – fired up. It’s up to you to tap into inspiration provided by God, the vision and perhaps a mentor or two who believe in you.
The encouraging truth is that God created us all to inspire others according to how He wired us.
I’ve listed six styles of inspiration in this post.
The list isn’t comprehensive, but it covers all the major styles. You may be a blend of a couple of styles, but you are largely one. The idea is to know what it is, and develop it.
Which style is yours?
1) Relationship
Those who inspire by relationship are naturally great with people. They genuinely connect with and care for people. They are good shepherds.
Leaders who inspire through great relationships make time for people and have strong sense of intuition. In general, people are lifted to new heights when they know you love and care about them!
Leaders who inspire through great relationships set aside significant amounts of time for people.
2) Strategic
Have you been to a huge sporting event or concert where the parking lot is a chaotic mess? How about one of your kid’s soccer or basketball practices where you wonder if anyone is in charge? Or maybe you had your kitchen or bathroom remodeled and it was a disaster zone that took way too long.
No one likes disorganization, last minute changes due to inadequate preparation, and a general lack of productivity. So when someone shows up with clear direction and a logical plan, who can also clearly articulate next steps, people are inspired to follow.
Leaders with a big vision who don’t know how to accomplish that vision can frustrate those they serve.
Strategic inspiration solves that problem!
3) Passion
Those who inspire by passion are true zealots in the most positive sense of the word! They are excited and consistently fired up. Its not a surface hype, it comes from deep within.
They are contagious by nature. Their personality draws people to them and the vision in a magnetic way. People love being around passionate people! They are often gifted with words and communication.
Leaders who inspire by a passion that comes from deep within their soul bring great energy into the room.
4) Competence
There are some leaders who are so incredibly good at what they do they inspire others to follow them and lead with excellence as well.
Much like a brilliant musician or world class athlete, they are just that good at what they do. My long-time friend and prayer partner, Charlie Wetzel is a professional writer. He is brilliant at what he does and inspires others to higher levels, not just in writing, but to be that good at what they do.
Competence as a leader inspires confidence in others.
5) Coaching
Leaders who inspire by coaching naturally see and bring out the best in others.
They are natural encouragers and among the best at developing people. Good coaches create opportunities for leaders to rise and empower them to do so.
Those who inspire by coaching are typically great team builders and good at increasing morale.
6) Serving
(I have written about the first 5 styles in my book Amplified Leadership. My good friend, Pastor Kevin Queen, (Crosspoint Church – Nashville TN) added serving to my list.)
Leaders who inspire by their own level of and dedication to serving are some of the most special people to be around.
They genuinely love serving others, and set the bar high for joy, maturity and living out the serving heart of Jesus. Their consistent sacrificial (but joyful) lifestyle captures the hearts of many!
Once you know your style of inspiring others, how can you improve your ability?
- Continue to leverage and develop the style that is most you.
- There are specific qualities you can develop to intentionally become better at inspiring others to grow as a person and take action to help realize your church’s vision.
Five qualities of an inspirational leader:
- Change agent – you have a bias for change that is for the good of the people you serve.
- Can seize opportunities – you take the initiative to make helpful things happen.
- Risk taker – you are willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone and take risks.
- Delivers hope – you maintain a positive and optimistic disposition that brings hope to those around you.
- Expresses confidence – you have a clear sense that God is with you and therefore also believe in yourself.
Which one or two of these five qualities are you strongest at?
Which one needs improvement?
I pray this post helps you inspire others to be and do their best!
This is an excellent article. One of the things that has always helped me was to write out a plan and let others give me input. It forces me to go beyond a surface level. When I meet with leaders to develop them I have them write out a plan for their ministry. They have always expressed how difficult it is, but how much it helps. When I can write out a plan it helps me to communicate it to others. Going without a plan is like an aerobatic plane making loops in the sky and trying to travel to a destination.
Thanks for sharing with us Gerald.
And agreed, write the plan down! Succinct, clear and simple, but write it down.
Thank you Pastor Dan for this, you are a huge blessing, this has blessed me and helped me to discover myself more, I always follow your emails and am inspired
You are most welcome and thank you. Glad these articles are of value to you and those you lead.
I’m serving semester for the very first time as a coach of one small group leader. This article has helped me understand more clearly how to inspire others as a leader. I am happy to share this article as information to inspire others. Thank you for sharing, Pastor Dan.
Hi Trisha!
I’m so glad this article is helpful to you! And thanks for sharing it with others!